RUSSIA TODAY SENTENCED jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny go 19 years sa phríosún on extremism charges in what he said was an iarracht Kremlin to deprive gnáthdhaoine of “the will to resist”.

The sentence trom against Navalny who had mobilised na hagóidí is mó against Uachtaráin Vladimir Putin, tagraítear é seo i measc cáineadh stairiúil on dissenting voices as Moscow’s ionsaí on Ukraine stretches into ina dara bliain.
In a statement a cuireadh suas ar Facebook, Navalny, who was sentenced to 19 years at a “special regime” penal colony, agus chuir sé ar dhaoine na Rúise fanacht ag troid.
“They want to frighten you, ní mise, and deprive you of the will to resist”, he said.
“You are being forced to surrender your Russia without a troid to a gang of traitors, gadaí and scoundrels who have seized cumhacht".
"Ná caill the will to resist", a dúirt sé.
Special regime penal colonies are jails le na strictest conditions of imprisonment reserved for Russia’s worst criminals including gadaí agus mharfóirí séasúracha.
Dúirt iriseoirí AFP watching the court session in a press centre at Navalny’s prison that the 47 mbliana d'aois looked emaciated but relaxed.
Gháir sé as the judge read the verdict and hugged another defendant before the grainy transmission cut.
“Is cuma liom na mblianta,” a dúirt Navalny.
“Tuigim go maith, like many príosúnach polaitiúil, I am serving a life sentence. Where life is measured by the length of mo shaol or the longevity of this regime”.

He was arrested and jailed in 2021 after arriving in Moscó ón Ghearmáin, where he had been recovering ó ionsaí nimhithe, he blames on the Kremlin, one which sparked international condemnation.
The trial has been held behind closed dorais dúnta at the IK-6 penal colony, a maximum-security prison some 250 ciliméadar (155 miles) east of Moscow, áit a bhfuil Navalny i bpríosún.
Original Article:
d'fhíorigh X = X sentenced
iarracht = attempt
gnáthdhaoine = ordinary people
trom = heavy
na hagóidí is mó = the biggest protests
Uachtaráin Vladimir Putin = President Vladimir Putin
tagraítear é seo i measc cáineadh stairiúil = this is referenced among historical criticism
ina dara bliain = in its second year
a cuireadh suas ar = were put/posted up on
ní mise = not me
troid = fight
gadaí = thief
cumhacht = power
Ná caill = Don't lose
gadaí agus mharfóirí = thieves and murderers
Dúirt iriseoirí AFP = AFP reporters/journalist said
an 47 mbliana d'aois = The 47 year old
Gháir sé = He laughed/smiled
“Is cuma liom na mblianta,” a dúirt Navalny = "I don't care about the years," said Navalny.
“Tuigim go maith" = "I understand well"
príosúnach polaitiúil = political prisoner
mo shaol = my life
Moscó ón Ghearmáin = Moscow from Germany
ó ionsaí nimhithe = from a poisonous attack
dorais dúnta = closed doors
ciliméadar = kilometer
áit a bhfuil Navalny i bpríosún = where Navalny is in prison