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An bunaitheoir of failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX Sam Bankman-Fried gafa in the Bahamas

Writer's picture: Alan JohnAlan John

1. Dúirt US AUTHORITIES the former chief executive of the failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX Sam Bankman-Fried has been gafa sna Bahámaí.

2. Dúirt an US attorney’s office in New York inné the founder of FTX was gafa at the request of rialtas an USA.

Bankman-Fried is under imscrúdú criminal by US and Bahamian authorities following the collapse of FTX an mhí seo caite.

The firm filed for bankruptcy on 11 Samhain, when it ran out of airgead tar éis the cryptocurrency equivalent of a bank run.

3. “Níos luaithe tráthnóna, Bahamian authorities arrested Samuel Bankman-Fried at the request of the US Government, based on an indictment séalaithe filed by the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Nua-Eabhrac,” US attorney Damian Williams said in a statement.

“We expect to move to unseal the indictment ar maidin and will have níos mó to say at that time.”

4. Dúirt Bahamian Attorney General Ryan Pinder the Bahamas would “promptly” extradite Bankman-Fried to the US once the indictment is unsealed and US make a formal iarratas.

5. FTX is headquartered sna Bahámaí and, since its failure, Bankman-Fried tar éis fanacht in his Bahamian luxury compound in Nassau.

6. A spokesman for Bankman-Fried had no comment tráthnóna inné.

Bankman-Fried was one of the world’s is saibhre people ar pháipéar, with an estimated net worth of $32 billiún.

He was a prominent personality in Washington, donating millions of dollars toward mostly left-leaning causes polaitiúla and Democratic political campaigns. FTX grew to become the second-largest cryptocurrency malartú ar domhan.

7. That all unravelled go tapa an mhí seo caite, when reports called into question the strength of FTX’s balance sheet.

Bhog custaiméirí to withdraw billions of dollars, but níorbh fhéidir le FTX meet all of the requests because it apparently used its customer's deposits to cover droch-gheallta at Bankman-Fried’s investment arm, Alameda Research.

8. Dúirt Bankman-Fried le déanaí that he did not “knowingly” misuse customers’ funds, and said go gcreideann sé his millions of angry customers will eventually be made whole.

Bankman-Fried’s arrest comes just lá amháin before he was due to testify in front of the House Financial Services Committee, in éineacht le the company’s current chief executive, John Ray III.

9. Dúirt Ray, who took over FTX on 11 November and is a long-time restructuring speisialtóir, has said in court filings that the financial conditions at FTX were níos measa than at Enron.

Bahamian authorities plan to continue their own investigation into Bankman-Fried.

“The Bahamas and the na Stáit Aontaithe have a shared interest in holding accountable all individuals associated with FTX who may have betrayed mhuinín an phobail and broken an dlí,” said Bahamian prime minister Phillip Davis i ráiteas.


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  • Dúirt US Authorities = US Authorities Said

  • gafa sna Bahámaí = arrested in the Bahamas


  • Dúirt an US attorney office = The US attorney office said

  • gafa = arrested

  • rialtas an USA = The US government

  • imscrúdú = investigation

  • an mhí seo caite = last month

  • Samhain = November

  • airgead tar éis = money after


  • níos luaithe tráthnóna = earlier this evening/afternoon

  • séalaithe = sealed

  • Nua-Eabhrac = New York

  • ar maidin = in the morning


  • Dúirt Bahamian Attorney General = Bahamian Attorney general said

  • iarratas = application

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