THE VIOLENCE IN IRELAND's capital oíche Déardaoin was fueled go luath tar éis three children and a woman were wounded in a knife attack taobh amuigh scoil Dublin on Déardaoin, rumors about the perpetrator’s nationality began to proliferate online..
The Garda Síochána, the Irish police force, declined to comment ar chúlra of the suspect, who was taken into custody after being tackled to the ground by bystanders. The police said only that he is a man in his 50s.

Ach unconfirmed reports that he was an imirceach Algerian quickly began circulating in anti-immigration and far-right groups, de réir researchers specializing in extremist movements ar líne.
In éineacht leis na ráflaí sin: a call to gather i lár Dublin, in what anti-immigrant guthanna framed as a stand against crime and in defense of leanaí na hÉireann.
What started as online chatter ended with the worst unrest to hit Ireland le blianta fada anuas, as rioters clashed with the police, set vehicles alight and looted stores. Bhí meirgí ag roinnt demonstrators reading “Irish Lives Matter.” Others vandalized ostáin and hostels thought to be housing migrants.
Gortaíodh several police officers, one seriously, and gabhadh 34 people, Drew Harris, the Gardai’s commissioner, told reporters on Dé hAoine.

In an address on Friday morning, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar condemned the disorder and said that the police would fight back against “waves of ignorance and coirúlachta.”
Dúirt taighdeoirí specializing in the spread of online extremism said the riots were a sampla of how far-right groups were capitalizing on the discontent and disenfranchisement of some Irish people, at a time when many have struggled to keep up with the costas maireachtála and a housing crisis.
Cosúil le go leor áiteanna san Europe, Ireland has received an influx of newcomers le blianta beaga anuas as conflict, economic pressure and athrú aeráide have driven migration. In the year leading up to this past Aibreán, the number of immigrants to Ireland reached a 16-year high of 141,600, according to official data, including níos mó ná 40,000 Ukrainians.
Jane Suiter, a professor at Dublin City University a dhéanann staidéar ar dhífhaisnéis, said news of Thursday’s attack spread go tapa through anti-immigration and far-right websites and spásanna meáin shóisialta.
Gript, a right-wing news árdán in Ireland, was one of the first to suggest publicly that the perpetrator was Algerian. That claim on X, the social media suíomh, was shared by right-wing leaders including Tommy Robinson, Professor Suiter said, and was amplified further in Telegram cainéil and grúpaí social media.
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